-If at any point, you need to clear all the setting and start from scratch, delete 'Lightnet4Options.ini'. This file will be in different locations depending on your OS. Just do a search to find it. -The Command Directory does not have to be the same directory that Lightnet is in -Do not set more than one computer as Master! -Don't be afraid to close the Master and restart it if a setting doesn't take or some odd behavior starts to happen -Tweak your screamsaver's settings and watch the idle time count, to get them where they will be best for you -If you get an error saying Lightnet can't open 'Remote.msg' or 'StateScenes.lst' it means there is more demand on the files than your network can handle. This is just an annoyance for the most part. To remedy this, put less demand on the files: -Don't have a remote auto update unless it must -Don't have a remote update after each command unless it must -Make the Master's check interval larger -Use a Linux box as your files sever