A series of thunderous blows followed while Durgan grew excited. He made to adjust his pants but snarled at his discovery. “What – are ya so afraid ya can’t?” he thought at Verrin. In fact, Verrin was afraid – memories of his childhood rained down upon him with the power of the blows that fell on Sosie. He reeled from the horror of what was happening. “BAH! It don’t matter none!” Durgan reached a hand down betwixt Sosie’s legs, using it instead. The action was rough and brutal, and every time she cried out, he hammered another blow to her face. In only a few moments, he brought his hand up to his own lips and announced, “Ahhh! The sweet, sweet, taste of innocent blood!!” Verrin didn’t know if Durgan meant the comment for Sosie or for him, but either way, he would have vomited if he could have when Durgan dipped the digits in his mouth.