Every now and then, it happens. Yer ride needs a few tweaks, modifications, or downright, flatout REPAIRS! Why?
In any case - now yer wantin ta get some fixins! So here's what ya do. Fill out the lil ole form below and one of our expert mechanics will be gettin back to ya about how ta fix up, doll up, or otherwise alter yer machine. If ya include yer address, we'll also recommend a mechanic (if one is listed in our database) in yer area ta help ya out!
(note: this form is for "advice" responses only. It is important to keep in mind that our mechanics cannot possibly be expected to have the answer to every mechanical question that comes along - especially sight unseen. It is always best to have the motorcycle looked at by a professional, licensed mechanic for optimal diagnostics.)
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September 9, 2004